Tuesday, November 10, 2009
2. Project Description: What was the Hero in My Eyes project? Use your own words to describe it. the hero in my eyes project was about finding someone that you thought was historical but it had to be someone close to you
3. Process: What steps did you take to get to the final product? (Be honest about meeting or not meeting deadlines and how that affected the process.) it took alot of work to make questions for my mom that broke down to my essey wich was just a description of my hero in the act.
4. Reflection: What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter? What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later? i learned that a hero was somthing that really was opinionated wich means no one can tell you who your hero is.challenges i encounterd were making vallid questions. somthing i would do differnt would be getting more information.im not really sure how this will help me later.
5. Habits of Mind: Pick one of the six HOMs (Habits of Mind) and describe how you used it in this project. The six HOMs are: Innovation, Wonder, Ownership, Mindfulness, Perspective, and Evidence. perspective becauce it helps me realize how im writting and how other people see it and if its good enough work
Thursday, November 5, 2009
origin of zero

What strikes me is how it explains something that is not really their, but in actuality it is there but just used as a place holder. How i decide who discovers what is some one that has studied something for a long amount of time i feel they know what they are doing and since every one to this day still uses the same technique. The zero comes from Sumerian Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago.The person who came up with the concept discovers how to use it there for the person who discovered it but didn't know how to use it makes the whole number and y they discovered it useless.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
knew boy in town

Catching the signal from one of her friends, Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. She welcomed the cutie to her knew school and asked what his name was he said Brian and then Angela wanted to make sure hewas in her first pieriod and brian said Mrs. Weather angela let out a huge yelp to see his schedual and find out every other class she had he had she was exited to get to know him more to see were this will take them in the futer
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Morgan Mucker
Life changer
It was pure pain and agony pounding and pounding feeling like some one hammering nails deep into my skull. Desperately opening my eyes no light seemed to seek in what was happing. I can remember my mom saying you’re too young to be getting head aches like this. My eyes were bulging as if I were straining to see something. I was starting to loose a lot of weight and couldn’t under stand why.
A few hours later the head aches came back but this time my mom was not with me to comfort me . I laid my head down on my desk and sobbed my teacher was shocked and sent me to the nurse. My mom was hurrying to come get me from school and take me to Urgent care. The doctors there couldn’t tell me what was wrong and sent me to Children’s Hospital. What was wrong with me was going through my mind.
As I was in the chair I was terrified of needles and all I could see was the sharp little thing that was about to go into my arm. I screamed and cried before the needle was even in my arm. A few weeks later my mom got a letter in the mail and finally the search was over and my sickness was diagnosed as a Dieses called Graves Dieses or Thyroid Dieses which is something that causes me to get very sick without the right treatment and more.
All I can think about is will I die, do I have to take medicine for the rest of my life, and the biggest question why me. I felt like every new about It like it was written all over my face. My body went into some kind of shock. But as I grow older I’ve grown to except it and I can’t do anything about it so it is apart of whom I am.
sound blog
Sounding like a wave on a Caribbean sail boat woosh woosh crreeak was all i could hear. feeling dark and cold as if some one were out to get me.Skinless men rocking the boat i was in trying to devour my lovely flesh.Rain drops falling on the top of the boat drip drip boom boom getting louder by the minute until finally it all comes to a complete Stop.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Locker Problem
The solution my group came up with for the locker problem was thirty-one lockers were open because thirty-one lockers are complete squares. The pattern for the problem is if you were a four you would be opened by the third student, if you were locker nine your state would have been changed be the third person, and if you were the sixteenth locker you would have been opened by the fourth student if you were not already opened so on an so on… Here are some more examples, one times one =1, two times two=4, three time three=9, and four time four=16.
Monday, September 28, 2009
lily's cut out story
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
30 Things About Me
- I love to go shopping with my best buds at the mall
- I absolutely love the TWILIGHT series
- My favorite movie right now is TWILIGHT" of course"
- MY favorite cartoon character is Tweety Bird
- I'm a Hello Kitty fanatic!
- My Favorite colors are purple, pink, and turquoise
- Most of my clothes are from Nordstoms
- I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters
- I was born in Louisville Kentucky
- I moved to California when i was 4
- I would really love to be a model....but I'm way to short
- I love gymnastics
- My favorite fruit is cantaloupe
- I hate strawberry's without sugar
- My favorite drink is a vanilla bean from Starbucks
- My favorite animal print is Zebra
- My favorite Wii game is Mario Kart
- I'm fun spirited
- A giving and help full person
- Favorite card game with a twist is Uno Attack
- My favorite T.v show is Americas Next Top Model
- When it's hot i love to go swimming
- My Favorite Holiday is Christmas
- My initials are M.C.M
- A mall that i always go to is Plaza Bonita
- A super hero i adore is the HULK
- Help full when it comes to siblings
- Would like to become a OBGYN
- My favorite type of music is ALL types
- Ive been in Girl Scouts since 3rd grade