Tuesday, October 6, 2009

sound blog

Sounding like a wave on a Caribbean sail boat woosh woosh crreeak was all i could hear. feeling dark and cold as if some one were out to get me.Skinless men rocking the boat i was in trying to devour my lovely flesh.Rain drops falling on the top of the boat drip drip boom boom getting louder by the minute until finally it all comes to a complete Stop.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you connected the Caribbean sail boat to the sound. You painted a picture of how it would of looked. When you explained the ending of the sound.

    You described the sound as being loud, and creaking.The sound seems to have been at first a dripping sound then a booming sound.

    You could of went into more detail to explain the sound. Saying exactly what you heard every detail always makes a passage more interesting.
