Morgan Mucker
Life changer
It was pure pain and agony pounding and pounding feeling like some one hammering nails deep into my skull. Desperately opening my eyes no light seemed to seek in what was happing. I can remember my mom saying you’re too young to be getting head aches like this. My eyes were bulging as if I were straining to see something. I was starting to loose a lot of weight and couldn’t under stand why.
A few hours later the head aches came back but this time my mom was not with me to comfort me . I laid my head down on my desk and sobbed my teacher was shocked and sent me to the nurse. My mom was hurrying to come get me from school and take me to Urgent care. The doctors there couldn’t tell me what was wrong and sent me to Children’s Hospital. What was wrong with me was going through my mind.
As I was in the chair I was terrified of needles and all I could see was the sharp little thing that was about to go into my arm. I screamed and cried before the needle was even in my arm. A few weeks later my mom got a letter in the mail and finally the search was over and my sickness was diagnosed as a Dieses called Graves Dieses or Thyroid Dieses which is something that causes me to get very sick without the right treatment and more.
All I can think about is will I die, do I have to take medicine for the rest of my life, and the biggest question why me. I felt like every new about It like it was written all over my face. My body went into some kind of shock. But as I grow older I’ve grown to except it and I can’t do anything about it so it is apart of whom I am.
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