Monday, April 26, 2010


Today I talked about food with my grandma we had a really good conversation about if buying organic food was better then buying food from a farmers market that uses pesticides. I said that i would rather buy food from a farmers market that uses pesticides then organic grown all the way around the country See thought differently just because it was ORGANIC. Allot of people buy organic food but don't realize were they are coming from and all the other pollution it does use to get to your house so i think its better to eat local any day.I can apply this to the real world because i think people should be aware of the things other people do to thier food and how we should change our eating habbits.
I strongly agree to the concepts because they have evadence backing up what they say and not just pulling stuff out of the hat. The people that declinde intervives make me think how that makes them look bad like they have somthing to hide about there company.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

dialectic journal

It was only after several months that I began to notice that her exitment was fading and continued to fade month after month and year after year.

This quote stood out to me because I could relate to what he means when Ishmael said this. I felt the same when I was young I was so exited to go to school and i begged my mom to let me go because it seemed like a cool place to go with new toys and shiny stuff that I wanted so bad, but my mom always saying I was to young but finally when that day came.School School School that all I could do and I liked it for the first year or two but then I couldn't stand the place and wished for a day were we had no school. I was crushed when my mom told me I had 10 more years of going to school. But when I realized it I would have no friends if I didn't go to school because there would be absolutely nothing to do with our life and we would all be stupid because EDUCATION is key!